Cynthia is a native of the island of New Providence. However, most of her early childhood and young adult life was spent on the island of Andros.

Cynthia is a poet, songwriter and author of three books. Echoes from the Isles of the Bahamas – a book of inspirational poems, ‘Life on the Lumber Farm’ – the forgotten industry of the Bahamas and her newest ‘how to’ book “Backyard Gardening in the Bahamas and the Caribbean”.
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What My Wonderful Clients Say

  • Sweet! I am so glad you came out with this. I live on a sailboat and LOVE the Bahamas and the people most of all. After spending 6 months here last year I found that way too many people are dependent on getting their food from stores, mailboat, Nassau, etc... We as people of this planet need to grow our own food and being so dependent on commercial sold food. Thanks!

  • Excellent display of information and wealth of knowledge on your website. Keep up the excellent work. Good job.

    Dr Theresa Clarke

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